What Should You Not Do When Getting a Divorce?

If you are about to get a divorce, or you are already in the process of getting one, there are several things you should do, and there are several things you shouldn’t do. Today, our experienced New Jersey divorce attorneys have provided you with a list of some of the many things you absolutely should not do in the months during or after your divorce takes place. They are as…Read More

Financial Abuse in a Marriage: Know Your Rights

When one person lives in fear of another, if resources aren’t shared fairly, and threats are involved, it’s usually abuse of some form or another. Any kind of abuse tends to have similar characteristics of control, threat, secrets, fueled by fear of one partner from another. Extreme financial dependence is quite common in society today and can be a facilitating factor in financial abuse. As hard as it is to…Read More

Cohabitation Under The Amended Alimony Statute

In New Jersey, cohabiting with the amended alimony statute has been a topic of intense discussion recently. Following divorce proceedings,  there are several different types of alimony to be discussed and unfortunately, this often results in significant confusion when resolving your alimony settlement. Despite the amended alimony statute, different judges might implement the statute differently.  In turn, some trial judges may support applying the pre-amendment legal analysis, some may strictly apply…Read More

How Can Social Security Benefits Impact My New Jersey Divorce?

When spouses divorce, they are very often concerned over whether they will lose out on, or benefit from, retirement assets. These assets are subject to equitable distribution. In New Jersey, older couples who have been married for over 10 years may receive a portion of their former partners’ Social Security, pension, and military retirement benefits, provided they hire experienced legal counsel. Please read on and reach out to our experienced…Read More

How Does Alimony Work in New Jersey?

Oftentimes, when a couple gets divorced, the financially dependent spouse is left wondering how he or she will retain his or her standard of living. If there are children involved, this situation can become even more worrisome. Fortunately, with the help of an experienced New Jersey alimony attorney, you can rest assured you are being taken care of. Our firm is here to help. Here are some of the questions…Read More

Modifying Alimony Payments in New Jersey

If you are someone who is currently receiving alimony payments, or you are the financially independent spouse and are the one making alimony payments, you may believe that the terms of your alimony agreement should be modified months or years after your divorce has been finalized. Read on to learn more about the alimony modification process and how our firm can help. Why would someone seek an increase in alimony…Read More

Alimony in New Jersey

The hardest time in any relationship is its disintegration. Nobody predicts they will end up divorcing their spouse at the time of their marriage. Rather obviously, divorce stems from the inability to agree on certain key issues. Unsurprisingly, this theme very often extends throughout the divorce process, and both spouses find it difficult to agree on the terms of their divorce as well. When a couple gets divorced, they very…Read More

What is a Post-Divorce Modification?

In the months or years following a divorce, your life, rather obviously, will not be exactly the same as it was at the time of your filing. If you have experienced a significant change in circumstances, there is a good chance you may wish to change the terms of your divorce accordingly. If you are in this situation, you may be wondering the best way to do so. Here are…Read More

Spousal Support in New Jersey

In order to complete the divorce process, one must consider the topic of spousal support. There are many issues that become heated in a divorce case. Alimony is no exception. Often, parties disagree on who is entitled to what support. New Jersey courts award the dependent party a certain type of alimony based on his or her financial needs and earning capacity. Alimony, also known as spousal support, can be…Read More

Doctor-Patient Confidentiality: Divorce, Child Custody & Your Medical History

Bergen County Divorce Attorneys with Offices in Hackensack, New Jersey In custody decisions the best interests  of the child are of the utmost importance in New Jersey child custody litigation.  Occasionally, a parent’s mental health or medical history may be relevant in how child custody is decided.  A history of physical, sexual or mental abuse, from one parent against the other or child could have a negative impact on his…Read More

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