How Does Child Custody Mediation Work?

complex child custody new jersey

Agreeing on child custody is usually one of the most difficult tasks facing divorcing couples. One approach that could work for you and your spouse is child custody mediation. This is a good way to discuss what you both want in a safe environment, and it might just be the best way to come to an agreement on this tough issue. Our divorce mediation attorneys in Bergen County, NJ would be happy to help you out with this.

What Happens During Child Custody Mediation?

When you agree to mediation, you sit down with your spouse and a third-party mediator. This mediator is completely neutral. They will talk you through this process and listen to both sides. They can then help you come to an arrangement that is acceptable to both parties. Their recommendation is not legally binding, but it can serve as the basis for a legal agreement.

Child custody mediation can be a good option for divorcing couples who want to make good-faith efforts to cooperate. If you and your spouse can stay civil, this can be one of the most effective ways to iron out some of the toughest issues in your divorce.

What Are the Advantages of Child Custody Mediation?

One advantage of child custody mediation is that it’s going to be quicker than litigation. Going through the courts to solve an issue can take a long time, but mediation should not take long at all if you and your spouse are committed to finding solutions. This also gives child custody mediation another advantage. It is often one of the least expensive ways to solve this issue.

Mediation also forces both parties to cooperate. This can help you and your spouse establish an effective way to communicate with each other, despite your issues, and set the stage for a more pleasant co-parenting arrangement.

When is Mediation Not a Good Option?

Going through child custody mediation may not work for every couple though. If you and your spouse cannot be in the same room for a few minutes without arguing, you may struggle here. Mediation is also not recommended for couples where there was an extreme power imbalance or abuse issues.

Do I Need an Attorney?

You can have a lawyer present during mediation and so can your spouse, if you agree to that. The mediation process is generally more informal than a courtroom would be, so it would be possible to proceed without an attorney. However, even if you do not have your lawyer with you during child custody mediation, they can still be a valuable resource. They can help you go over any final agreements and find other problem solving methods if you are stuck on other areas of your divorce settlement.

Contact Our Law Firm

If you are having trouble coming to an agreement on some of the major issues in your divorce, we might be able to help. Contact Townsend, Tomaio & Newmark to schedule your consultation. We can tell you more about negotiation options that might help you get through this divorce.

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