Can I Divorce a Spouse With A Substance Abuse Problem?

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Getting a divorce due to a spouse’s substance abuse problem is completely valid in New Jersey. It can serve as grounds for divorce and it gives you a compelling reason to file a petition. If you plan to file for divorce, you do not have to go it alone. You can talk to our fault divorce attorneys in Bergen County, NJ, and learn more about how our lawyers can help you fight for the best possible outcome.

What Are Some Signs That My Spouse Has a Substance Abuse Problem?

Many addicts can hide a substance abuse problem successfully, but sometimes some cracks start to show. Here are some signs of trouble that you should look out for:

  • Missing money
  • A change in your spouse’s sleeping habits
  • Your spouse getting into legal trouble
  • Your spouse avoids activities that they once enjoyed
  • Changes in personality and angry outbursts
  • The disappearance of valuable items from your home

If you suspect your spouse of suffering from a substance abuse problem, you can attempt to get them help.

What If My Spouse Will Not Get Help for a Substance Abuse Problem?

Someone having a substance abuse problem is actually not grounds for divorce all by itself. It becomes grounds for divorce when they will not take any steps to fix their problem and improve their situation. If your spouse will not get help and you have exhausted all of your options, it may be time to file for divorce.

Will My Spouse’s Substance Abuse Come Up During Divorce Negotiations?

It could. We understand that many people do not want to badmouth their spouse or take advantage of them when they are down, but your spouse’s substance abuse issues could factor into certain agreements, including child custody and visitation. For example, it is possible that the court could mandate supervised visitation until your spouse makes progress in some sort of treatment program.

How Can I Protect Myself and My Kids During the Divorce?

Divorce can always be tough on the entire family, but it can be even more stressful when addiction is involved. In order to better protect yourself during this process, we recommend that you:

Document everything: Keep track of your spouse’s substance abuse problems and document everything that you can. If they have an outburst, steal money, or do something else that makes you feel unsafe, write down dates, times, and notes about what happened.

Make mental health a priority: You need to make sure that you are taking care of your mental health in this tough situation. Schedule therapy appointments for yourself and your children, and look into family appointments for you and your kids if needed.

Contact Our Legal Team

The lawyers here at Townsend, Tomaio & Newmark are ready to help you with your divorce case. Contact our law firm and set up an initial consultation today. We can take a closer look at your situation and help you find the best path forward.

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