Parental Alienation in New Jersey | What You Should Know

Divorces take a toll on all parties involved, especially children. If you share custody of your child and you believe that your former spouse is badmouthing you to your child, regardless of whether the allegations are true or not, you are most likely looking to take actions to stop it, as countless studies have shown that this behavior can do irreparable emotional damage to a child. Please continue reading to learn more about parental alienation and how our New Jersey family law attorneys can help you in this difficult time. Here are some of the questions you may have:

What are some examples of parental alienation?

Parental alienation can come in many forms, and while sometimes it is obvious to all parties, in other cases, it is far more sneaky and passive. For example, when a parent outright badmouths the other parent to a child repeatedly in an effort to have the child formulate a negative opinion on the other parent, this is absolutely considered parental alienation. However, there are other cases where parents will passively make remarks about the other parent that are not offensive on the surface but added up, they can cause a child to believe that one parent is superior to the other in some way. No matter the form of parental alienation, if you believe that your former spouse is trying to sabotage your relationship with your child,  you are most likely now looking to modify your child custody agreement to help ensure that your child is not harmed any further by your former spouse.

Can I change my custody agreement if my former spouse is badmouthing me to our child?

Fortunately, in many cases, you can. As long as our firm can demonstrate that your former spouse is trying to sabotage your relationship with your child, it should serve as proof that he or she is violating the core of your child custody agreement, which is that you and your former spouse will do everything in your power to act in the best interests of your child. Parental alienation is almost always a violation of this core agreement. In this case, our firm can file a motion with the courts to modify your custody agreement to shield your child from this form of mental abuse. In certain cases, we can even fight so that you can obtain sole custody of your child. If you have any additional questions or you believe your child is the victim of parental alienation, please give us a call today.

Contact our experienced Bergen County firm

At Townsend, Tomaio & Newmark, our attorneys have extensive experience helping clients to understand and protect their legal rights before, during, and after the divorce process in towns across New Jersey and Bergen County, including Hackensack, Ridgewood, Paramus, Teaneck, and Fort Lee. To speak with our team of divorce lawyers today in a free and confidential consultation regarding your concerns about your divorce, please contact us online, or through our Hackensack, NJ office at (201) 397-1750.

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