What is a Collaborative Divorce?

Getting a divorce is the most challenging time in any couple’s relationship. Nobody ever imagines the day they will get a divorce at the time they were married, though unfortunately, divorces happen. If you are in a contested divorce, which means a divorce where you and your spouse cannot agree on key terms, such as child support, alimony, and more, your divorce will very often fall into the litigation process. Litigation is often time-consuming and emotionally, as well as financially draining, and what’s worse, both spouses usually end up dissatisfied with the outcome. If this sounds like something you’d wish to avoid, fortunately, in some cases, you can. There are various alternative divorce methods you and your spouse may choose from, as long as you can both agree to work together and cooperate with one another. Here are some of the questions you may have if you wish to learn more about the collaborative divorce process:

How does collaborative divorce work?

Essentially, the main goal of collaborative divorce is to achieve fair and just resolutions that both parties can walk away from feeling satisfied, knowing they maintained control of the process from start to finish. However, in a collaborative divorce, both parties must sign a binding agreement that states their commitment to settle their disputes outside of the court. Additionally, collaborative divorces very often include several outside parties, such as psychologists, accountants, financial analysts, and child therapists.

What are the benefits of collaborative divorce in New Jersey?

In a successful collaborative divorce, you will resolve issues surrounding topics such as child custody, child support, alimony and spousal support, parenting time, division of assets and more. The collaborative divorce process, if all goes as it should, will save you time, money, and even provide you with privacy. Generally, trial proceedings will expose all evidence and discovery to public scrutiny, as they become part of the public record. Many spouses seek to avoid this, especially if they have children. Collaborative divorce may prevent that from happening. Perhaps most importantly, couples feel they have a voice in a collaborative divorce. Rather than let a judge be the end-all-be-all, couples appreciate working through their differences together in a neutral setting to settle their differences themselves.

Contact our experienced Bergen County firm

We know how intimidating the divorce process can be, which is why we work, day in and day out to help our clients have the smoothest transition possible. The Partners at Townsend Tomaio & Newmark lead the firm practicing Family and Divorce Law exclusively. All Partners have been honored by their inclusion in the New Jersey Monthly Super Lawyers List for several years. They lead the boutique firm in handling custody, support, alimony, divorce, and domestic violence cases across Northern, New Jersey.

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