What Are the Benefits of a Collaborative Divorce in New Jersey?

couple going through collaborative divorce

When getting divorced, one mistake many make is that they desperately want to end the marriage as quickly as possible. Divorce can be a tedious and draining process, and as such, many will settle for significantly less than what they deserve. However, opting to go through a collaborative divorce is a great way to have more control over your finances and makes the process much more manageable. Keep reading to learn more about the benefits of collaborative divorce and discover how collaborative divorce attorneys in Bergen County, NJ can help you.

What Is a Collaborative Divorce?

When many people think about divorcing couples, they picture those who are constantly arguing, only communicating through their attorneys, and doing everything possible to spite each other. While this may be true for some, there are couples who work together to make the process more simple.

A collaborative divorce is when both parties will work together through negotiations and mediation to create their own terms for how their divorce will proceed. Both spouses will discuss how their assets will be distributed, who will receive alimony, and how child custody will work. It allows both parties to feel heard and respected during the process.

What Are the Financial Benefits of a Collaborative Divorce?

Aside from the emotional benefits of avoiding a lengthy and contentious courtroom battle, one of the main benefits of a collaborative divorce is the financial aspect.

In New Jersey, the state divides marital assets following equitable distribution. This means it is up to the judge to determine how much each spouse contributed to the marriage before deciding how the assets will be split. In many cases, this can be unfair, as you will only have a few minutes to argue your case in front of a judge.

However, working with your spouse for a more fair and even split of the marital assets is one of the significant advantages of a collaborative divorce. You’ll have more control over your assets, allowing you to protect your finances.

Similarly, you won’t have to miss work or pay fees to have your case heard in a courtroom.

Do I Still Need an Attorney?

Though you and your spouse are working together, it’s in your best interest to retain the assistance of an experienced divorce attorney. While your divorce may be amicable, it is still a complex legal process. An attorney can help guide you through the process to make decisions that are in the best interest of you and your family.

At Townsend, Tomaio & Newmark, our dedicated legal team will work tirelessly to help you achieve the best possible outcome for your circumstances. Contact us today to connect with a competent attorney to discuss the details of your case.

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