Mediation FAQs

Mediation FAQs

Mediation Attorneys in Bergen County, NJ

Providing Compassion To NJ Families During the Mediation Process

Divorce is an inherently difficult time in one’s life, but it does not need to be made even more painful with a drawn-out and expensive legal battle. Mediation, arbitration, and collaborative divorce are all excellent alternatives to taking your divorce disputes before a judge. We help to answer some frequently asked questions about mediation and how our clients have found this option beneficial. For details on how mediation may factor into your unique situation, our attorneys are happy to help.

At The Law Office of Townsend, Tomaio & Newmark, we believe in offering clients a selection of alternatives to traditional litigation which may better suit their individual needs. We have extensive experience helping families get the legal counsel they require to find successful resolutions to divorce issues. Contact our firm today to discuss your unique situation, needs, and concerns when it comes to your divorce or any of its related issues in a free and confidential consultation with our attorney team today.

How is Mediation Different than Litigation?

Divorce litigation can be a combative and competitive process where both sides are trying to “win” and walk away with the superior outcome. This leads to situations where the participants in litigation put further strain on their relationship and allow negative feelings to remain. Particularly when children are involved, we recommend that our clients try to keep an open mind and a positive attitude when resolving divorce disputes.

Mediation allows just that by encouraging both parties to cooperate and work towards a common goal. Oftentimes, the end goals of divorcing spouses are more similar than they initially realize. Mediators will strive to understand the needs and concerns of all parties involved before making any decisions.

There is also the difference in time and cost expended between mediation and taking your disputes to court. The divorce litigation process can be lengthy, expensive, and stressful. Mediation offers a mutually beneficial alternative to clients who seek a more amicable outcome.

What is the Role of a Mediator?

Our Paramus family law mediators are neutral, third-party specialists who work with both parties in a divorce dispute to reach a reasonable and amicable agreement. Mediators do not represent one side over the other, and they are trained to allow all voices to be heard and acknowledged. Our divorce mediators will also explain legal matters, the New Jersey laws which may hold sway over the circumstances, and what options are available.

If necessary, the mediator will step in and deescalate a situation where tempers flare or accusations are brought to the table. We understand that this is a highly emotional process for many of our clients, and work to maintain open, respectful communication. At the end of the day, the role of the mediator is to facilitate productive dialogue between the two disputing parties with the end goal of reaching a positive resolution.

What Steps are Involved in the Mediation Process?

An initial meeting with our Bergen County mediation attorneys is generally used for general fact-finding and assessing the needs and concerns of all parties involved. The mediator may outline what documentation is required, the issues that need to be resolved, and what to expect from the process moving forward. After the first meeting, the clients must gather the requested documentation, which may include deeds, mortgage information, W2s, prenuptial agreements, and any relevant documentation regarding childcare.

Once the necessary information and paperwork are amassed, the mediation discussions begin in earnest. Throughout the process, our mediators will maintain a civil environment in which all parties can respectfully share their concerns. Clients will actively participate in discussions with the mediator merely serving as a middleman. Our end goal is to provide the legal support and safe environment that will lead to a mutually beneficial settlement.

After the mediation, an agreement will be drafted by the mediator to be reviewed by all parties. If an agreement is made, that concludes the process. If there are still outstanding issues, our mediators will continue to work towards a common goal. Even with multiple changes to an agreement, mediation is often less expensive and time-consuming than traditional litigation.

Contact Our Hackensack, NJ Mediation Attorneys Today

At Townsend, Tomaio & Newmark, our experienced divorce mediators provide compassion and support to every one of our clients. We work with you to understand your individual needs and concerns and to develop ideal solutions that most directly align with your goals. When you enlist our services, you find more than a mediator, you find a team of professionals invested in your future. To speak with one of our experienced divorce mediators in a free and confidential consultation today, contact our firm today.

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